Happy Easter Trail Magic
Day 24
Sunday April 16, 2017
7:18am - 10:50am
202.5 - 206.8
Partly Cloudy & Cool Breeze
Newfound Gap, TN
5045 Elevation
I love nero days. We were being extracted by Batman this morning. We got up early as usual so we could have as long a nero day as possible. But we were enjoying the lazy, easy hike it took us forever to complete the short miles to the parking lot.
Batman hiked in to meet us. He arrived at the parking lot before we were even up. He wasn't sure which was was A.T. North or South from the parking area and he accidentally went North for a mile. He still managed to cover more miles then Shortcake and myself.
We took our time taking photos, delayering, snacking and whatever else we felt like doing. We were so relaxed knowing we had a short distance to cover and all day to do it if we wanted.
Since it was Easter Sunday I randomly placed my day's rations of jelly beans on the trail. I stratigically placed them for hikers to see. It was fun.

At Newfound Gap, we were greeted by a friendly chap who was eager to feed us and it was perfect timing, lunch time.

Trail Angel Jim and Black Bear
Newfound Gap is another tourist attraction. It is a huge parking lot in which the border of Tennessee and North Carolina runs through. It is also home to the Rockerfeller Memorial and site where President FDR formally dedicated the park in 1940.
The three of us left the trailhead and drove to our Easter dinner destination, Cracker Barrel.
Tomorrow will be a zero day and on Tuesday we will head back to the trail. Just in time for forcasted thunderstorms all week. Wish us luck.
Happy Hiking.