Triple Zero Is A First For Me
Day 50
Friday May 12, 2017
Zero Miles Hiked
At Basecamp
This is a first for this long distance hiker. A triple zero set. I have done 2 rest days in a row but never 3 days off from hiking. It was fabulous. But I am ready to hit the trail again to see what kind of gems we can uncover.
The other day I forgot to mention how the trail always provides. It is a saying I often use because it's true. May 9th we were hiking along then Shortcake stopped abruptly and retraced a few steps as I just watched curiously as to what she was up to. Then I saw it. A deflated Mylar birthday balloon tied to a tree.

The next day was her sister's birthday. So we captured Shortcake's photo holding the birthday greeting and she was able to send birthday wishes from the trail to her awesome sister Suzanne. It may seem insignificant to most but the trail gives these serendipity experiences often. You just have to be open to receive them. Just like in life.
The world can be full of harsh realities but if we try not to dwell on the negative and search for little treasures we can find them. They are everywhere.
Happy Hiking.