Nothing Lasts Forever
Day 116
Monday July 17, 2017
Miles: 1262.7 - 1278.1 Completed: 15.4
Time: 7:33am - 4:03pm
Weather: Cloudy and humid. Tstorm
My gear has been breaking down on me. First it was my poles. They started showing signs of wear a month ago. One tip had worn 1/4 inch more than the other. Now after miles of Pennsylvania's rocks neither pole has the carbide tip so necessary for gripping.
Several weeks ago my tent decided to rip. I managed to preform surgery with some Tenacious Tape and it's working fine. Hasn't leaked in any of the storms.
I damaged my Lifeproof case. Can you imagine that!!! Only I could destroy something indestructible. Love the warranty. A new one should be arriving any day now.
My boots are shredding. The left one anyways. You can tell which side I am stronger on. It was my left pole that also first showed tiredness.
Yesterday I broke one of my tent poles. But since they are all connected by one cord they all need to be replaced. Good think I am not tenting again until Friday. We glamped last night and will hotel it tonight and tomorrow. Then are taking a small break from the trail.
My clothes have been a challenge. I wore out my tank top. No worries I had a spare. My skort became to big. A friend bought me the same one just smaller. That became too hot. Replaced it with shorts that have given me a terrible heat rash on my outer thighs.
Nothing lasts forever especially when you use and abuse it on a long distance hike. One thing we hope does continue is our lastest spell of missing the rain and storms. We got caught in a little mess a few days ago but dried quickly.
Today we managed to hike 15.4 hard miles over rocks and boulders to arrive safely under a bridge as a nasty storm played around us.
Shortcake and Black Bear
When and if the day comes when our storm running ends we will do what we always do. We won't let the doom and gloom get us down. We will strap on our big girl boots and hike on.
Happy Hiking.