Never Underestimate The Powers of Batman
Day 121 Saturday July 22, 2017 Miles: 1295.3 - 1308.6 Completed: 13.3 Time: 8:38am - 6:10pm Weather: cloudy, hot and balmy Tenting at mile 1308.6 We are back in the woods after another wonderful stretch of slack packing and glamping. We really enjoy and appreciate the amenities of the real world but it is also so wonderful to be back on the trail. One draw back of town days and slack packing is you get out of the hiking groove. Every hiker develops his or her own routine of set up, take down, hiking and etc. when you go to town or slack pack that routine is disrupted. On our days off I try hard to keep my routine as close to my trail as possible to prevent mishaps like today. Almost a mile into the hike we stopped for a water break. Instantly I felt something was missing. I didn't know what exactly but I sensed I left something behind. I quickly did a double check and realized the missing piece of gear was not just one item but two. I forgot my bandanas. I knew exactly where they were and Batman confirmed it. I was out of sync packing up last night and this morning. Thank goodness I have A wonderful hubby. Never underestimate the powers of Batman. He hiked back down the incline we had just climbed, then back up catching Shortcake and I who continued hiking forward. He is amazing and I am blessed to have him.

After a tiring hike over more rocks, Pennsylvania's finest have spilled over into New Jersey, Shortcake and I were ready to set up camp. Our campsite is waterless and we are low on the H2O as well. The water source didn't look to appealing. We decided to conserve what we had for the night and fill up at the spring 3 miles out in the morning.

Just as we were getting ready to retire to our own tents it started raining. One poor hiker was waiting for his lagging buddy to arrive with the tent poles. Good goes around. Hubby helped me out and I passed that good deed on. I let ColiN hang out in my tent until the rest of his tent arrived. Hikers take care of each other out here. On the subject of tents. I hope mine holds up. I am using a new tent since my other one has a broken pole. I am not completely satisfied with this design. Only time will tell. Of course it has to rain on its first use. Might as well put it to the full test. Happy Hiking.