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It's Been No Bed Of Roses Lately

Day 123

Monday July 24, 2017

Miles: 1325.0 - 1338.0    Completed: 13.0

Time: 10:47am - 7pm

Weather: Cloudy, cooler, ended in rain

Tenting at High Point Shelter

Sleeping in is a rare occasion out here so we took advantage of the rain keeping us put. That sounds plus the 3:30am arrival of the two hikers disturbed our sleep. Once the rain stopped we packed up and headed out.

Still rocky. It's been no bed of roses lately. It seems like all I do is complain about this or complain about that. I try hard to keep the joy in my heart but all we do it hike, set up camp and go to bed. The next day do it all over again. We talk very little any more. Not sure why. I think we are just tired. Today I only took 4 pictures and two were of the same thing. I usually take pics of everything. My phone is almost full so I am limited but I didn't even feel like taking shots. 

We ended the day in rain. Set up our tents in the rain and had to do everything inside our tent. And that's another thing, I hate my tent. My Hubba Hubba has a broken pole. This replacement one is a shorty design and the person who came up with it should be slapped. I didn't even eat. I just want to go to bed and for it all to be over. 

Some how I need to find why it is I want to be out here because too many more days and nights with horrible weather, bad gear, and a lost focus could send me home. 

Me Cramped in my tent. 

Happy Hiking

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