Sometimes You Have To Bend The Rules
Day 122
Sunday July 23, 2017
Miles:1308.6 - 1325.0 completed: 16.8
Time: 7:35am - 7:00pm
Weather: Cloudy, Humid, Rain
Tenting inside Gren Anderson Shelter
The rocks continue to spew over further into Nee Jersey. I can navigate them pretty successfully but they do tire my ankles more then I prefer. Shortcake on the other hand struggles for foot placement. Between both of us the rocks slow us down considerably. Our days are long and we are exhausted when we get done.
Add wet crain conditions to the mix and you have two angry hikers. The second night of wetness out after glamping we decided to set our tents up in the shelter. It was after 7pm and no one else was around. The weather forecast called for heavy rain. Not long after our tents were perched perfectly under the safety of the shelter a solo hiker appears. We apologized and offered to remove our little homes. He said, "Great, you mind then when I set up my big insert. Sometimes you have to bend the rules. It's taboo to set up ones tent in a shelter. But we didn't feel like getting wet and the bugs have been so bad we didn't want to get eaten alive either if we stayed in the shelter. The New Jersey state bird should be the mosquito.
Night came and the three us were snug as bugs in our own space grateful we were not putting anyone out. Not a sole showed up that night. Instead they arrived at 3:30am. We felt horrible. It was pouring out. I was getting ready to offer to move when I noticed they both squeezed in between Shortcake and Evac the other hiker.

I guess we won't do that again. Or maybe we will. You never no what might take place out here.
Happy Hiking