It Was An Egg-Cellent Kind Of Day
Day 160
Wednesday August 30, 2017
Miles: 1770.9 - 1783.8. Completed: 12.9
Time: 6:57am - 5:30pm
Weather: perfect with clear blue skies
Tenting at Ore Hill Campsite
It was another fantastic day of hiking in New Hampshire. We sure have been blessed with great weather these last few weeks. We really have nothing to complain about.
Our descent down Smarts Mountain was long and steep. Then we went right back up Cube Mountain. The views here in NH are wide and far. It looks like never ending waves on the ocean only it's mountain peaks after mountain peaks.
We had trail magic twice today. The first was from Jane. She was waiting to pick up her son and friend who are hiking and decided to hand out food and beverages as she sat at the trail head. Lucky us. There wasn't any water sources between there and our campsite and we didn't fill up earlier.
The second trail magic we had heard from hikers earlier in the day. Carl, the omelette guy has set up a kitchen in the woods right on the AT and makes hikers any size omelette they desire. The record is a 30 egger. Shortcake and I each had one 10x smaller then the record. We arrived at 4:30 and he shuts down at 5:00pm. We just made it. Earlier I did t think we were going to make it. I contemplated going ahead since I can hike faster then Shortcake. But I didn't want to leave her just so I could be selfish. I chose to hike like we usually do. Not only did we make it in time to the egg guy

but we also had the trail magic I mentioned earlier. Things always work out especially when decisions are made with the heart.
We Have officially entered the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Let the fun begin.
Happy Hiking.
Another reminder: kept checking back for picture updates.