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Guardian Of The Forest

Day 206

Sunday October 15, 2017

Miles: 2105.6 - 2120.0 Completed 14.4

Time: 5:55am - 4:21pm

Weather: Sunny and Cool

Stealthed in the woods next to dirt road

You never know what you will see in the woods. This Dalmatian sits on a large rock above the trail like a gargoyle, keeping watch over the forest. He is not easily spotted. Haha, no pun intended. But he’s not hidden either, Shortcake nor Batman saw him. A few yards from the dog’s post I had a flashback as I so often did and remembered he was there so I knew to look up. There he sat just as vigilant as he was in 2015.

I am not one for non natural items to be left in the woods but this was unique and entertaining. Its placement was inconspicuous and only would be spotted by an observant visitor to this part of the wilderness.

We where supposed to see our first view of Katahdin today, Mother Nature kept it from us though. We crossed over the flat peak of White Cap Mountain and didn't even bother to trod out to the view. The mountain was socked in with fog. That was the least of our worries. The wind whipped and howled around. I was grateful it was easy terrain. Hiking in that wind on a steep mountain incline would not have been fun.

We arrived at our destination, a dirt road far from civilization but not out of Batman's scope making our second full day in the 100 Mile Wilderness completed successfully.

Happy Hiking.

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