That Could Have Been Bad
Day 210
Thursday October 19, 2017
Miles: 2174.7 - 2184.6 Completed: 9.9
Time: 5:05am - 11:20pm
Weather: Cool and Sunny
Tented at Katahdin Stream Campground
Today was the last day of regular hiking. It was an easy 9.9 mile stroll through one of my favorite spots on the whole entire Appalachian Trail. We knew this section would be a breeze to complete but we chose to get up at our usual time so we could enjoy an afternoon of R and R before our summit tomorrow.
We headed out once again with our lamps meandering along the river where we watched the sunrise as it burned off the morning mist.

There was so much water today in all its various forms, rivers, streams, ponds, and small tributaries. What a way to end this great adventure.

Batman at Daicy Pond, Millinocket, Maine
We even saw a couple waterfalls. The trail came out to this beautiful spot where the water was calm on the up stream side, almost stagnant then it flowed thunderously over the smooth ledge emptying down stream to a pooling area with a beach. You could see the trail across the shallow, ledgy water at the top of the falls but we were hesitant to cross because the flow was so fast and the rocks mossy. We wanted to access the beach for our morning snack. We decided to eat then tackle the crossing. But first a potty break. I hiked back down the trail from the direction we came to do my duties far from the water source. As I did I noticed the trail continued in a different direction and not across the falls. We had noticed the double white blaze that denotes a turn, so we turned. Unlike other states that offset their double blazes in the direction of the upcoming turn, Maine doesn't. When we saw the double, we turned. We were not phased by the crossing because Maine also has few bridges across water so we thought it was just another ford. When in reality the trail went straight and the turn we thought was the trail was to see the waterfall view. A little confusing. Wow, that could have been bad!
I had another Blessing reminder today. No one else could see it, or they didn't notice it the way I did. I love it when the sun shines down through the trees in a majestic way. To me it looks like the arms of God reaching out to hug me. If you look close enough you can even see a cross.

We made it to Katahdin Stream Campground by 11:20am Plenty of time to set up camp and enjoy our last evening in the woods. Most hikers stay at the Birches, two tenths of mile from the trail. It is for thru hikers only. We opted to reserve a camp site at Katahdin Stream. The AT goes through the campsite so we didn't have to do any extra steps.
We had a wonderful afternoon just chilling, eating, and we even built a fire.

I can't believe this is it! It has been a very long 7 months and we are finally down to our last night in the woods. I have mixed emotions. I love it out here but I want to get home to finish grieving for my dad. Not that that ever ends but there are things I need to do. I am glad we are summiting tomorrow and I can't wait to climb Katahdin once again. I love this mountain!
Happy Hiking.