Vacation: Second Day
Two days of vacation in the books. Where does the time go. Saturday we arrived in Florida after a 12 hour flight itinerary.

We touched down just as the sun cast a tangerine glow across the horizon. It was a lovely welcome to the sunshine state.

We left Bangor at 6:50am and were at our destination by 6:45pm. It was a long trip. Bruce and I didn’t mind. Our original plans were to drive and crash at several of our wonderful friends along the way. Beats a hotel and would get to see our friends who live far away. We took the cheap route. Bruce found us tickets using very few frequent flyer miles and an even smaller handful of cash. So the half day of travel had its advantages. Besides we entertained ourselves with doing nothing.
The weeks before our trip Bruce was busy with work and business travel and I was also busy with extra shifts and getting things ready to leave. Why is it so much work just to go on vacation.
Now that we are here all we have to do is worry about relaxing. Let me rephrase that. All I have to do is worry about relaxing. Poor hubby still has to work a few days. Thank you very much sweetie! I appreciate it.
My daily goals while I am here are to run and or bike or both and hit the pool and worship the sun. This is limited. I have that winter white northern pasty skin. I don’t want to burn. One glance at me and you can tell, “She ain’t from around here”. Great be me a week and I’ll fit right in.
Of course when I am not doing my daily goals I am visiting with Bruce’s mom and dad. The best in laws is n the whole world. When others complain about their spouses family I can’t relate. I’m so blessed.
Being on vacation really reminds me just how blessed I am from the simple fact we can drop what we are doing and go on a trip. It may not be five star service or first class accommodations by some stands but it doesn’t get any better then being with Bruce and his parents. I thank God everyday for the blessings in my life.
Happy Vacationing everyone.