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Paralysis By Analysis

I mentioned in an earlier post how I joined the 20 in 20 Challenge. It is a commitment to do 20 Challenges in 2020. The group encourages everyone to get out and do something.

As I was reading all the awesome activities and events the other members were planning, I was feeling so small and insignificant with my plans. Then I realized the intent of this very supportive group was not a bulletin board to one up the next chick. Instead, it was a place to be accountable and support each individual's idea of adventure.

Life is an adventure all by itself no matter how small or how grand. It is what we make of it. For some, just getting out of bed after a chronic illness could be an adventure. And on the opposite spectrum, a highly skilled extreme sport athlete will define adventure differently. And for others, adventures don't even include the outdoors or physical skill.

My first adventure for the 20 in 20 challenge was to complete a concealed weapons certification class with my hubby as one of our 30 dates I also touched on in a previous post. We completed it a couple weeks ago. It was an eye opener. I thought I would be the only lady. It was just the opposite, he was the only dude.

Another major adventure for this year is to get two books into print. A pretty lofty goal for someone who barely passed English in high school and college. I have a network of support, but I am so lost.

This morning my illustrators are here working on some artwork for my children's book and I asked them if they ever get so overwhelmed that they become unproductive and shut down. The both said "Yes." And Laurie replied, "It's called analysis by paralysis.

(Laurie & Lisa)

Wonderful! Something else I suffer from. Just one more thing I can add to my "issues" list. But I am sure I am not the only one with this diagnosis. All busy people, I bet, have a bout or two, or three of this. Heck I could suffer from it several times a week.

There is a cure I have developed from lots of research, trial, and error. It has only one case study, me. The cure is not to crawl under a rock and hide, or crawl under the blankets and sleep the day away. Those in fact, make the matter worse.

When my mind starts to race because I have too many of life's adventure's in the works and I start to exhibit signs of Paralysis by Analysis , the only remedy that seems to work for me is to stop from whatever it is I am doing. Then I breathe in - breathe out. X3. Depending on how deep the paralysis is and if there is a deadline or not determines the cure.

For an acute attack the next step could be as simple as taking a snack break. If it has been a chronic bout then a heavier prescription is needed. Medication choices are an extra walk, run, or hike. Maybe sitting in the sun with a good book unrelated to what I am doing helps. Sometimes just listening to some music does the trick. There's nothing wrong with a double shot of espresso either. Then, I return to the tasks at hand and before I dive back in, I say a quick prayer and make a list. Once I do that, things don't seem so overwhelming.

From that point I can prioritize, delegate, remove anything not really necessary, and start crossing items off as I complete them. It is a simple process but works for me no matter what adventure I have planned, form hiking the A.T to planning a party to domestic chores that pile up.

I breathed. Took a break. Started my list. Now I can continue to move forward and enjoy another one of this year's adventures, publishing.

Adventures are in the eye of the beholder. Don't let anyone define yours for you. Even if you are sharing a journey with someone special you will each have a unique experience. If symptoms of paralysis by analysis start to show their ugly head, stop. Remember the "why" you are doing it and write your own perscription so you too can continue along life's road with joy.

Happy Hiking,


PS - Thanks to Lisa and Laurie for taking the time to listen to my woes and inspire today's blog post.

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