Greed - the thief of joy
Happy beautiful Thursday everyone! I hope you are enjoying fall even though the season doesn't officially begin until Sunday, Septmeber 22. At least here in Maine, we are experiencing a warm spell without the bugs. It's like Heaven.
Before I ramble on too much, I want to mention a disclaimer, especially for those of you who are new to me and my writing. Sometimes I can come across as preachy, and maybe even a little high-and-mighty. I don't mean for that to be the perception. I choose my topics based on not what I think you need to hear, but rather, what I am struggling with or have struggled with. And if I can help anyone overcome any obstacle in their way to becoming a better person by sharing what I have learned, then I have succeeded.
This past weekend I experienced an episode of greed. I'm not proud of it, but it happened. I was at a festival. It was day two. Bruce and I tended to our vendor space like we do at our shows chatting with folks, rearranging product, and this day - not selling as much as I had hoped. Discouragement settled in by the end of the day. The next day started out the same. Slow, slow, and slower. At one point I had a tiny hissy fit. We were tired, I wasn't sure if we had covered our expenses, and I just wanted to pack up and go home.
Then I had an Ah, hah moment! I was getting greedy. All summer we had had wonderful shows - sales were great, festivals were fun, and most importantly my readers were amazing. Once I took the $$$ out of the equation, I realzied everything that weekend was fantastic also. We had great conversations with fellow authors and vendors. The music was amazing. The weather was phenominal, and my customers and readers were so endearing. There was absolutely NOTHING to complain about. But I was complaining - a lot. I even yelled "Stop being so greedy!" to myself.
Once I did that, I relaxed and enjoyed why I was there - to share my story and art in hopes to make someone's day a little brighter. By the end of the day, repeat readers came to see me to share how they enjoyed my books. One even requested I go back on the trail so I can write a third Happy Hiking. Now that's an idea. I met another fellow author/AT-thru-hiker. I got lots of doggy kisses - one can never get enough of those. I danced to the live music under my tent in between customers - maybe that's what kept everyone away. Our son stopped in for a visit and a few friends stopped in for confidential conversations about things they were struggling with and knew I had been through similar situations. If that's not abundance, I don't know what is.
Greed was steeling my joy. Wanting more and more than what I already had was blocking me from seeing what I already was blessed with. Please don't get me wrong. I am not against having things. I love stuff and money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy equipment so I can go hiking. But at what point is more than enough, enough? How much money do we need? How many sets of dishware do we need - guilty of this one? How many cats, dogs, other pets are enough? How many vacation homes, how many collectibles, or whatever it is one desires is enough? For me, I realized enough for me is when acquiring more of something robs me of my current joy.
Don't stop collecting. Don't stop earning. Don't stop shopping. Don't stop seeking. Keep finding those things that make you happy - just don't let the aquistion of stuff be the thief of your joy.
Happy Hiking,