Hello From The Inside
Howdy everyone. I trust you made it through another day. What day is it anyway? Day 20? Day21? Day 45, or more? I guess it's different depending on where you are from? According to my daily dose of laughs from Bob Marley, it's day 21, so I'll go with that.
So yesterday I posted about not herding. Guess our neighbors on our road didn't get the message. Apparently three different families had get togethers today. Really? I heard it second hand when I called to check on a few people. I was a good citizen and stayed home.
Anyway, I spent the day enjoying the most beautiful March day in March, it hit 51 degrees (F). A heat way! I even sat outside and had my lunch.
It was absolutely gorgeous out. As I sat there roasting in the sun, I realized I had so much to be thankful for, even during this time of isolation. I was getting so caught up in this pandemic, focusing on what I cannot do while forgetting what I can do.
I may not be able to go shopping, go to church, visit family and friends, or out to dinner or a movie, or any thing else that may put me in contact with someone else. But, I have all this time to chill. If you are like me, I am always saying, "I don't have enough time to get done what needs to get done." I do now. I have all the time in the world and don't have to feel guilty about not rushing off to run errands or go here or go there. I can just "be" right at home and it is wonderful!
Today I got a jump start on some spring cleaning. I even took a shower. I have been putting that off. Can't remember when the last one was. Haha, why bother, I wasn't go anyplace. I can't wait for tomorrow to pick back up where I left off. Not in the shower, the spring cleaning.
I even scheduled group time together with a few church friends. Don't get your panties all wadded up. We aren't actually getting together. We are just going to stream the same church service at the same time. We were going to face time while it was going on but we decided not too. One friend was worried her kids would be too loud and I didn't want to have to get dressed.
No written joke today. I am going to share a video a friend sent me. I had never heard of this artist before. After listening to his Adele parody I had to google him. He's pretty good, especially if you like Christian music.
Hope you get a chuckle out of this, it is cute.
Please remember to take time to give thanks. This too shall pass.