I Am Done - For Now

I made it. Old Blog converted to New Blog. It only took me all day and two one hour phone calls with tech support. Not even sure if the changes will even be noticeable. It was something that needed to be done. I put off the inevitable as long as I could. I truly despise it when technology doesn't work the way it says it will. I know most of the time it is user error, but that only makes me feel worse.
It is good to have that behind me. One more item checked off my master list. Even with all this free time in isolation, my to-do list seems to be growing. It's like 3 steps forward 2 steps backward. At least it is still moving forward.
More good news, our vehicle that needed fixing is now fixed. Not that we can go any place, but at least we can loan Stephen a car for work and not be stranded at home without a mode of transportation. Now we can focus on helping him find his own wheels.
I haven't even looked at the news today for updates on COVID-19. I am sure things are getting worse though. They always do before they get better. I hope you are finding new ways to cope to this new way of life so you can continue to thrive. I know tech skills and life skills vary in level of importance but the outcome is the same.
If we don't learn to adjust we will be left behind, Whether it is not keeping up with the ever changing world of high tech to the latest medical information to keep us safe. Learning is a way of growth and survival.
Since I was editing my site I was going to do major design changes until the last advisor I spoke with ended our conversation by saying, "What a nice site you have. It's easy to read and appealing to the eyes. Not like a lot of sites I help clients with." So, I decided why mess with a good thing. If it ain't broke, why fix it.
I did add my first product.

I have DVD's. Walking Home by Ryan Leighton. It is a documentary about a Father-son duo who hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2015. Your's Truly just happens to be in the film. All proceeds go to Boothbay Region Access Channel. So if you are looking for something to do while in isolation, grab yourself a copy. Hurry though, there are only 15 copies.
Today's technology chore is done. Tomorrow I can focus on a funner adventure.
ps- I know "funner" is not a word, but it is so much fun to say.
You do a great job Em. I love the way you are not afraid to learn.