Miles, Miles, Miles, and Smiles
What a fantastic 4 day Holiday weekend I had exploring the North Maine Woods with Hubby Bear. I have done it on foot, but never by car. We covered some miles. The 4th we spent at home though enjoying our little piece of Heaven.

Friday we went to White House Landing up in God's country through Millinocket, then out a logging road for over 10 miles. Just another place of Heaven on Earth. The owner's Linda and Bill make this off the grid hide-a-way a place you don't want to miss.

Saturday was an excursion via more logging roads reaching the AT trailheads in the 💯 mile wilderness.

Before we departed we came across an AT famous Trail Angel, Fresh Ground feed some hungry hikers who were taking refuge from the passing storm.
Yesterday we drove to Caratunk to visit hostels there to promote our shuttle services.
Northern Outdoors is a place that offers something for everyone from tent sites to rooms to full cabins. They have a restaurant, brewery, hot tub and more. Their rustic log cabin atmosphere is fun yet relaxing.
Caratunk B&B is owned by Paul and helped by Kathy and Bob. It’s an old maine homestead decked out with vintage memorabilia that would make any museum wising they owned it. They are known for their milkshakes and pulled pork sandwiches. But book early since space is limited.

Eric owns and operates Sterlings another B&B in caratunk. He has more rooms. There you can enjoy spacious accommodations and a relaxing sit on the wrap around covered porch overlooking the Kennebec.

The fun part of the day was picking up two hikers who misread their guidebook costing them a mile in the wrong direction. We snatched them up and delivered them to their chosen destination. Then later as we turned around so Bruce could show me how to get to another trailhead we saw them walking again. We asked “Where are you headed now?” The place they had chosen was booked. Poor cell service in the area prevents communication. Once again they climbed into the truck and we delivered them. This time we waited to make sure they could secure a place for the night.
Over 700 miles logged, sightings of 3 moose, 6 deer, several miscellaneous other critters, and countless happy hikers made for a fantastic weekend with the love of my life.